tonies® Disney "Dornröschen" Audio Figure and Audio Book (German)

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Artikelnummer: 1771176

The Princess Sleeping Beauty is cursed by the evil fairy: she pricks her finger on a spindle and falls into a magical sleep for one hundred years, together with all of the residents of the castle. When the time has passed, a prince battles through the fence of thorns grown around the castle and wakes Sleeping Beauty with a kiss.


Tonies are audio figures for the Toniebox. Listening becomes something tactile when they are used to operate the Toniebox. They can also simply be collected and played with. To listen to the music, simply place the audio figure on the Toniebox.


  • Weight: 60 g
  • Material: plastic


  • Audio figure
  • Magnetic
  • Hand-painted
  • Integrated NFC chip
  • Audio content available in German only
  • Runtime approx. 58 mins.
  • Suitable for children from approx. 4 to 15 years

Included in delivery

  • tonies® Disney "Dornröschen" Audio Figure and Audio Book (German)

Caution: not suitable for children under approx. 3 years. Danger of suffocation due to small parts which may be swallowed.

Note: WLAN Internet connection, Toniebox and Toniecloud customer account required. Free tonies® app available for Apple® iOS from Version 9 and Android™ from Version 4.4 (KitKat).


TONIES Oststrasse 119 40210 Düsseldorf Deutschland

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