Silent Pool Gin, 1.0 l, 43.0% ABV, United Kingdom

13,000 Miles or 44
( 1 l = 44 ) Incl. VAT , excl. delivery costs

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Available within 24 working days within Germany
Shipping countries: Germany only

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Product description

Item number: 1773315

This gin from South East England is handcrafted with spring water from the Silent Pool lake. The 24 botanicals used in the gin include exotic fruits and spices as well as chamomile, lavender, aniseed and of course juniper. Honey is another special ingredient. The gin has a surprising flavour that combines full-bodied depths with clarity and freshness, as well as notes of citrus and pepper.


  • Case size: one bottle à 1.0 l
  • Alcohol content: 43.0% ABV

Included in delivery

  • One bottle of Silent Pool gin, 1.0 l, 43.0% ABV, United Kingdom

Importer/responsible party: Gebr. Heinemann SE & Co. KG, Koreastrasse 3, 20457 Hamburg, Germany

Note: persons ordering must be 18 years of age or older.

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