Item number: 1760007
For the perfect taste: with the KitchenAid ARTISAN K400 blender, you can easily chop even the hardest ingredients and give them a smooth consistency. Blend almonds, chia seeds, ice cubes, ginger or nutritious, fibre-rich vegetables without hesitation - simply let your creativity run wild in the kitchen. Its base and the knob made of injection-moulded metal make this blender particularly durable. It's heavy, robust and ready for any recipe you can think of.
Sophisticated blending
The ARTISAN K400 has a 3-part blender system that combines three aspects: the unique asymmetrical blade, the ribbed glass container and the adaptive IntelliSpeed motor that identifies the contents to ensure the optimum speed. The intuitive rotary knob allows you to achieve the exact taste and consistency you want. Turn it to choose between five speed levels, one pulse option and three preset programmes: ice crush, iced drinks, smoothies. It also offers a practical self-cleaning programme to help get the blender clean again in no time.
Included in delivery
*More information can be found at
Nijverheidslaan 3 1853 Grimbergen Belgium CONSUMERCARE.BE@KITCHENAID.EU